$ su - root
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
# wget http://pkgrepo.linuxtech.net/el6/release/linuxtech.repo
# yum --enablerepo=linuxtech-testing install vlc
Howto:Installing VLC Player on RHEL 6.x & CentOS 6.x | Linux | 32 bit | 64 bit ( x86_64) | Using Script
Hello Guys,
I got huge response from you guys for My Previous VLC installation script on RHEL 5.x, So Many Users requested me to post Same Kind of Script for RHEL 6 and I am done with it. I am Very thankful to each and every user who have given so nice response to my that post. I hope they will enjoy this post too
Previously I have written Script to Install VLC Player on RHEL 5.x 32 bit for Automatic Installation, You can say a script which i have designed to install VLC Player Very Quickly and without any dependecy problems.
This time I have written script to install VLC Player on RHEL 6.x and CentOS 6.x for Both Architecture ( 32bit and X86_64 (64Bit). I hope this script helps you.
To Make it more simple I have created Own RPM So This time there will be 1 additional step that You have to follow.
Note :- This script is tested in Local Environment, Think many times before you execute on Production/Local/Anywhere, Do it at your OWN RISK.
Following things must exist on your Computer/Linux to execute this script:-
=> Direct Working Internet Connection or Yum Should run from Terminal. If you are using Internet connection with Proxy then it will be problematic for you.
=> RHEL 6.x and CentOS 6.x must be installed with 32bit or X86_64 Arch.
This time couple of addition steps to make it more simple. So This time VLC Installation in 7 Steps.
1) You have to be root to execute this script.
2) Download RPM ( Auto VLC Redhat Centos6) which I have specially created for VLC Installation Script , You can use RPMs for CentOS 6 too.Click on Following link to Download RPM for Your Architecture :-
32 bit Users click on this link :- http://www.ask4itsolutions.com/RPMs/avrc6-tejas-barot-linux-0.1.0-1.el6.i386.rpm
64 bit Users click on this link :- http://www.ask4itsolutions.com/RPMs/avrc6-tejas-barot-linux-0.1.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
3) Execute Following Commands as per your Respective architecture :-
For 32 Bit Architecture :-
# rpm -ivh avrc6-tejas-barot-linux-0.1.0-1.el6.i386.rpm
For 64(X86_64) bit Architecture :-
# rpm -ivh avrc6-tejas-barot-linux-0.1.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
4) Download VLC Installation Script for RHEL6 and CentOS 6 , Click this link :- http://www.ask4itsolutions.com/RPMs/Scripts/vlc6-installation.sh
5) Execute following Command where you have downloaded the script.
[root@ask4itsolutions ~]# chmod +x vlc6-installation.sh
6). Now Execute your script by two ways mentioned below
[root@ask4itsolutions ~]# sh vlc6-installation.sh
[root@ask4itsolutions ~]# ./vlc6-installation.sh
7) Once you Execute it will ask you 4 Options to Install as per your OS and Architecture and 5th Option for Exit Select Option as per your OS and Architecture
Press (R32) to Install VLC on RHEL 6.x on 32bit
Press (R64) to Install VLC on RHEL 6.x on 64bit
Press (C32) to Install VLC on CentOS 6.x on 32bit
Press (C64) to Install VLC on CentOS 6.x on 64bit
Press (E) to Exit anytime
Please Enter your Selection: <Put Your Option Here and Press Enter>
8) Remember you have to be normal user to run VLC Player, You cannot Run VLC Player as root.
Hope You like this.
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If this works for you then Show your support and encourage me to write some more howto’s by commenting on the same topic or by sending me mail on blog(at)tejasbarot(dot)com
If this doesn’t work for you then also please do let me know so i can helps you out to solve the issue, If you are facing the error then please send me mail on blog(at)tejasbarot(dot)com with Subject:- VLC Installation Issue